7 Things Not To Do While Fishing

Fishing can be a great way to relax and enjoy nature, but only if you’re doing it the right way.

Today, we are going to talk about the other side of fishing – The things you should avoid while out on the water if you want to improve your chances of landing a fish.


1. Fish if it’s not safe to do so

Always check your surroundings before going out on the water. Only cast where fishing is permitted. Look at the weather, tide, season, and do some planning first. When you are walking or wading in the water, do so with caution. Be aware of unseen water hazards such as swift currents, submerged trees, unexpected holes, and steep drop-offs. Most importantly, always wear your life jacket when you are on, in, or near the water. Here’s one thing you should do: take your phone with you – if something goes wrong, there’s no way of getting help!

2. Throw your trash in the water

Not only is it bad for the environment, but you might lose your bait or lure as well. Use fish cleaning stations, when available, and follow park regulations on disposing of remains. Bears and other creatures have an excellent sense of smell, which makes them want to eat what you clean and gut. In general waste containers, and disposing of remnants may attract a variety of animals and birds that might lead to an unanticipated wildlife encounter between visitors, staff, and the animals.

3. Scare away the fish

“Be quiet or you’ll scare the fish”. Have you ever heard that before? But the real question is, do loud noises and talking really affect your fishing success, or is it just your friend’s way of making you shut up?

Above the water, sounds like talking loud or playing music does not penetrate underwater very well and are less probable to scare fish. It’s not such a big deal until you hit the water’s surface, at which point all bets are off. So jumping up and down in a boat, especially an aluminum boat, dropping pliers on the bottom of the boat, stomping on a dock, or running a boat motor would create vibrations that are easily sensed by fish, which could scare them away.

A splashing commotion might sometimes alarm other fish and draw in the others looking to cash in from the apparent feeding frenzy. But it’s difficult to tell what will frighten or induce a sudden feeding surge, so it’s always better to avoid disturbing the water directly.

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4. Cast close to other fishermen

You’ll just be wasting everyone’s time. You would not want to crowd a spot where another person is fishing. It’s best to give other anglers at least 50 to 60 feet on the most crowded water and more than a couple hundred yards if there aren’t many people around.

5. Spend too much time on your cell phone.

You may be busy texting or talking and miss the fish bite.

6. Fish in the same spot all day long

If you do this, you’re going to scare away any fish that were there and not give yourself a chance to catch anything new. Move around, try different spots, and see what works best for you. We get comfortable with a certain spot in a lake or pond, know how to catch fish there, then wind up never trying any new bodies of water. Looking for new places brings back the thing that got many anglers fond of the sport in the first place, that sense of exploration.

7. Catch an undersize fish

Larger hooks are recommended since smaller fish are less likely to take large hooks.

So there it is, 7 things you should avoid doing if you want to have a successful fishing trip.

In the end, the most important thing about a successful fishing trip is not always how many fish you catch. Instead, it’s all about your mindset. Whether or not you fill your creel, catching the opportunity to spend time outside and pursue one of your passions is already a win.


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